The jig should have been up when he started to "over share".
"I've been divorced twice...don't have a girlfriend...don't want one". I lolled heartily when he got on the phone with his dad and said "I love you". This just illustrates two points very clearly:
1) We all know those problem-proned over sharers. You know the ones. They tell you about their chronic case of irritable bowel syndrome and their lengthy custody battle within the first few minutes of meeting. These anchors just slipped into the mode we all slip in when we deal with folks like this. Just nod and smile politely yet awkwardly.
2) News stations obviously don't check sources. This gives me a really good idea to request to be on their show and showcase my psychic abilities. Do I have psychic abilities? No. But I can certainly tell a few yarns. I can throw a few "this year will be a good year for you in love" or "I'm getting a J....does that ring a bell...J?".
People believe what they want to believe and in this case they really wanted to believe that he was a sick yo-yo-ist that was doing it for the kids and charity and butterflies. Someone should have hopped on Google the minute he turned his 8 yo-yo's into a sick roflcoptor. With Google we are all investigatory journalists...or ugh...stalkers. Hats off to Yo-Yo guy!