I like my puns literal anyway. Like a jump to conclusions mat:

These cats are ruthless sentinels. There was no need for the nanny cams when Felix and Whiskers were on shift. Don't mess with a tuxedo cat. They may seem fancy but they are notoriously merciless. I wonder if she knew she was being nanny-cammed and kept her reactions at a minimum. I know plenty of folks that would assume log roll position and kick feebly at the cat.
These two cat goons need to go on patrol on my street at 3:00AM when all the drunk drifters start hootin' and hollerin'. Better yet, I'll bring them to bars and the minute a gross guy tries to touch my bum I sick Whiskers on him. They'll get beat so hard they'll need a CAT scan. Ugh, I need to stop hanging out with 50+ year old men. Puns are CATagious. Oh God please make it stop.

lol the cat, that was fantastic attacking the babysitter
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