Hey guys....guys...hey....hey...HEY! Okay you will only get this after you watch these little gems. I got introduced to the Annoying Orange this grand holiday season. There are only 4 episodes so far but they have softened my wintry, resolute, doldrums. Hee hee doldrums. I like that word. For some reason, it always reminds me of the Alice in Wonderland Disney cartoon when Alice is all sad and wants to go home but the dog with the broom for a head and a tail ruins everything. He dang swept poor Alice' path clear away! What a selfish prick! I kid, I loved the Broom-Headed Dog. He was just doing his job...Geez.
And now for the the Annoying Orange. With his creepy grin and irritating laugh, one might pray for his premature demise. I don't. I love him. Orange ya glad noone ever eats him? Ugh. God-awful. Enjoy him...love him...hate him.
In other annoying orange news....
Ahahahahah this shit is hilarious to me. Ahh man the pumpkin was getting so pissed off yo lol. And that pic at the end?!?!? LMFAO that's most dudes out here! I live on Staten now... and if you know New York... that's enough said. Done!
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