Ever wonder how you can stop a bully? Try falling on the ground and feebly kicking the air with your foot. This video will illustrate sure-fire ways to keep the bullies coming back for more. I love all of their far-fetched examples too. If you happen to have a magazine handy, why not just take the 5 seconds you need to roll it up and try and use it as a weapon? I'm sure the bully will wait his turn while you roll it. Holding your hand out and making a stop sign is also guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of your predators. Who ignores stop signs? No one that's who.
Was there a rule in 1992 that all children should have waterfall bangs? Even the guys had them. It must be a leftover from the 80's. I had them, you had them, we all had them. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. The higher and crunchier the better. Combine it with a bowl cut and you got yourself a glass of sass.
Tony is vicious! Lmfao!!! He's like Napoleon Dynamite's adopted father or something.
haaaahahahahah so true. I bet he wishes he had large talons against those dang bullies!!!
Lmao word. The toe step and that fake run they kept doing towards the wall had me DYING!
hahah me too...fake slow run that trail off the closer they get to the wall lolz
Lol it's like "here I gooo and there's the wall time to STOP IT" ahahhahahahah hilarious!
I'm glad to see you haven't posted either. Phew, I don't feel so guilty anymore lol
Wow! They sounds soo convincing huh? Heheheh
I think I stick to biting ^_^
LOL Drew I felt guilty too!! I'm gonna try to post at least once a day, I got real busy with school shite!
Yeah I bet. It's good to see you back meng
Thanks buddy! I can't wait to get caught up on your blog! If anyone is reading this check out Drew's blog. It's called Brooklyns Confused Offspring under my "Hot Lolz" section.Funny shit!
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