This commercial is like the commercial equivalent of Sixth Sense. M. Night Shymalan had to be in on the trick ending. Why can't he make any more good movies to save his life? I was on a date with some guy the night I saw Sixth Sense in the theatre. The dude I was with had the voice of a 14 year old girl. It was surprising too because he didn't look like a dude with a shrilly chick voice. He, in essence, Sixth Sensed me when he opened his mouth for the first time. I remember him sing-songing in my ear "I knew he was a ghost!". My only thought was "This dude's voice is higher then mine and he's a filthy liar". There's no WAY he knew Bruce Willis was a ghost. Wanna know how I know? He was too busy looking around and smiling at me throughout the movie and whispering nonsense in my ear. Needless to say we didn't date again.

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