Yeah, yeah they said "light to moderate drinking" in the article. But if my degree in Anecdotal Layman's Medicine taught me anything, it is much better to take what you like from health reports and ignore the stuff you don't like. For example, some studies in the past have said that drinking red wine decreases your risk for heart disease. So what do I take from that? Red wine = Decreases risk for heart disease. Medicine can also decrease one's risk of heart disease. Therefore Red Wine = Medicine. Having more medicine is usually better then having less...which then means that having lots of red wine is better then having only a little. And there you have it. Perfect anecdotal layman's medicine at its finest. Sheesh...what do we need doctors for anyways?
WARNING: Anecdotal Layman's Medicine has been known to be slightly wrong at times... meh, just take what you like from this warning and discard the rest.
- Lolski

Now that a girl I want to date!
She's hot ain't she? This is exactly why you don't put embarrassing pics of yourself on the internet. People like me will find them and post them heheh
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