They list variations of birth control pills. Umm, okay not new. I still have to inject myself with hormones like cattle.
They list the IUD. Oh yay....that barbaric thing that's been around since the early 1900's. Sweet, can't wait to have a doctor shove that in the old uterus and leave it sit for 10 years.
Then they mention condoms. Weren't those suckers made out of sheep intestine in medieval times? Not new, sorry.
They mention Implanon, a little plastic stick implanted under the skin that shoots hormones daily. It's a variation of the Pill....not new, next.
Then they mention sterilization. Again, not new. Didn't Canada do forced sterilization in the dirty thirties?
And our last resort method of birth control. Plan B. This is just a suped up dose of the birth control pill. Yawn. Next.
How about some new ideas guys? Preferably something that doesn't involve sticking foreign objects in our bodies or increasing our risk of strokes and blood clots. Thanks.

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