Friday, July 31, 2009
Oh long johnsons!!?? a cat's tale.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A heckler that just won't give
- Lolski
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ladies with delicate sensibilities
- Lolski
Holy shitballs...
- Lolski
Whatevs...I can do that
- Lolski
Monday, July 27, 2009
Humans killed their hairy cousins
Let this be a lesson to mankind. Different is good not scary (all sarcasm aside for a wee second).
Update: While I was looking for a pic for this post I came across an eerily appropriate news item. Mystery solved? I think so.
- Lolski

Finally something for your pesky "O" Zones
- Lolski
Drunk old people are funny
- Lolski
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Slapping you with a big fat smelly armpit of frustration.
Shocka on hating.
Another one to haunt your dreamscapes
- Lolski
So cute you'll barf
- Lolski
So I Married An Eiffel Tower
"He was mine first!"
"Get outta my way biotch, he's mine."
Then they both realize he's a deadbeat and no one wants him around anymore anyways and they move on to greener pastures like local Walmarts and McDonalds buildings. There's lots of their love to go around ladies.
- Lolski
Gadzooks...the Alice in Wonderland Trailer
Friday, July 24, 2009
Amusing Evian ad
Get on TV at all costs
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I've dreamed of doing this...
- Lolski
Something out of my nightmares...
- Lolski
Quantum Weirdness
If you don't know about the double-slit experiment (sounds dirty but it's not), then feast your eyes on this. Let Dr. Quantum break it down for ya...
- Lolski
Worst/best rap battle ever?
Test your mastery of the Force
Click on the pics below to see the screenshots of my results. Anywho the tests showed that I have evidence for "Fair" psychokinesis and precognition.Sweet! Charles Xavier School for the Gifted here I come. Maybe Wolverine will date me if he's not still hung up on that Jean Grey b&%$%.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Turtle Sex
- Lolski
Twilight fans get serious at a "Twilight" tour
- Lolski

Sylvia Browne gets pwned
Cobain gets Rick Rolled
- Lolski
Kitties like getting high too
- Lolski
Attention ladies over 30...CNN wants you to know this
They list variations of birth control pills. Umm, okay not new. I still have to inject myself with hormones like cattle.
They list the IUD. Oh yay....that barbaric thing that's been around since the early 1900's. Sweet, can't wait to have a doctor shove that in the old uterus and leave it sit for 10 years.
Then they mention condoms. Weren't those suckers made out of sheep intestine in medieval times? Not new, sorry.
They mention Implanon, a little plastic stick implanted under the skin that shoots hormones daily. It's a variation of the Pill....not new, next.
Then they mention sterilization. Again, not new. Didn't Canada do forced sterilization in the dirty thirties?
And our last resort method of birth control. Plan B. This is just a suped up dose of the birth control pill. Yawn. Next.
How about some new ideas guys? Preferably something that doesn't involve sticking foreign objects in our bodies or increasing our risk of strokes and blood clots. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
More Coney Island fun
I'm always ready with my cam and no one ever cooperates and does something youtube-worthy. Sometimes I scrounge for youtube finds. I was so desperate I posted a video of seagulls the other day...then shamefully took it down. You can't force these things. Real youtube gold happens serendipitously. There's my big word of the day.
- Lolski
What's a billion times infinity?
- Lolski

Really cute...yet slightly disturbing
Monday, July 20, 2009
I love this lil wippersnipper!
Chris Brown reads a teleprompter
- Lolski
Data and Captain Picard are gonna do it
- Lolski
Who's tryin' to hurt my Brit Brit???
Do they know who they are dealing with??? I've got a mind to go down there and tell them what's what. We can have a dance off. And Brit will be the judge. And unicorns will referee. And Madonna will provide sideline entertainment with constant crotch unitard yoga poses. T'will be grand....
- Lolski

Sunday, July 19, 2009
All aaaah do is smoke weed.
- Lolski
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Gun Laws Shmun Laws
BUTLER, Mo. -- Those purchasing a vehicle at Max Motors in Missouri will receive an AK-47 assault rifle with their purchase during the month of August. This is the second consecutive year the dealership has given away vouchers for a firearm as part of a sales promotion. The logo at Mark Muller's dealership is a nod to his feelings about guns - with an old west caricature pointing two pistols at those who pass by. He said it's a nod to what he calls "big city" ways. "We really are different than the big city dealers," Muller said.
Indeed. Pesky big city dealers are so dang cranky about silly concepts like "death" or "homicide". Bullets are just pretend boogermen that we dumb dumb adults make up to scare children and the elderly. Hee Haaaw...bring on the make-believe carnage. Monica Lolinsky.
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's my foooood.....

OGDEN -- Weber State University police booked a man into jail on investigation of felony robbery after an apparently disastrous trip through the buffet line.
Campus officials said it happened Thursday at the Shepherd Union Building, where a buffet had been set up for competitors in an archery tournament. Police said Maurice Henry Glen Crichlow, 20, was spotted going through the line and confronted by a food services employee.
"He did not appear to be a member of the competition," WSU spokesman John Kowalewski said Friday. "This individual (the food services worker) approached the young man-this is the second time he'd been seen in the line that day-and informed him that if he wanted the food he needed to pay for the food."
Kowalewski said the man became belligerent, pushed the one worker and was immediately confronted by another food service worker.
"At that point this individual shoved, or pushed the second staff member and said, 'If you've got a problem with me, call police,'" Kowalewski said.
They did. Crichlow was ultimately arrested and booked into the Weber County Jail on investigation of second-degree felony robbery, disorderly conduct and interfering with an arrest.-Lolski
Some sweet blogs I check out on the daily....
This one is one of my faves. Not only does the author love poor old Brit Brit as much as I do, but she's hilarious. I get teased for my weird fascination with Britney all the time. So what if we're supposed to be best friends? She pretty much needs to pay me to go down to Hollywood and I'll go everywhere she wants me to go with her. Rite-Aid, Gas stations and their adjoining gas station washrooms, star bucks, aimless nights of driving aimlessly. I'll even carry around her first born child that she never carries anymore, Sean Preston. Heck I'll do it all for free. Oh she'll golly she'll see. I'm the perfect one for the job. Why can't they have a Britney Spears BFF? Who wants to be friends with Paris Hilton anyways.? I'd win over all the other crazies foooooo shooooooooooo.

Here's another fave:
They don't update every day but when they do...ooooh boy....lolz galore. You'll spend hours going through the archives. It's hard to believe people are paid to photoshop and come up with those monstrosities. Roflcoptors in motion.
This one is just dang interesting and will make you sound smart at lavish dinner parties so you won't have to quote Wikipedia no mo. Lists always make for easier reading and memorization too. It's about all the weird and odd stuff and people in the world. I'm weird and I love weird stuff.

This one makes me lmao my pants all the time:
It's all about shitty, obvious plastic surgery on celebrities. So funny. I always die whenever the author writes in an exasperated tone "Is the transformation finally complete?"...too funny.
Well just a few that blow up my lollercraft.